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The life expectancy monitoring tool allows users to select mortality changes over the entire lifespan or at specific ages, as well as for overall mortality or for specific causes of death. For example, how would life expectancy look if cardiovascular mortality were to be reduced by 50%? Or how would life expectancy look if infant mortality was eliminated? The tool facilitates assessing changes and comparisons in life expectancy under those selected scenarios of mortality change. Furthermore, the tool lets the user compare cause-of-death profiles and life expectancies across time, countries and sexes.
The sustainable development goals (SDG) were set in 2015 with many specific targets to be achieved by 2030. The third SDG refers to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The targets of this SDG goal refer to several actions of either eliminating or reducing mortality from certain diseases that are amenable to health interventions. Hence, the possible effects on life expectancy of achieving those mortality reductions and eliminations are highly relevant. The life expectancy monitor tool allows analysts to evaluate countries’ progress in achieving the SDGs as well as assessing possible specific scenarios or targets that a population wishes to achieve.